It’s been a bit longer than I’d like for this post. But It’s been a hot wet, take it easy kind of summer break.
But it’s time for school season to kick off and that means a return to a bit of routine, so I’m looking forward to a bit more structured weekends and getting back in front of the canvas again.
I’m fascinated by a recurring theme I’ve noticed myself exploring subconsciously, so I’m do some exploration and hopefully get some new paintings out of it.. and I’ve got to get the Undine III painting’s sketches & comps a bit further along.
On the website front, the performance has been really really really bad so I’m moving it this weekend hopefully. Lots of posts and configurations to move, but I expect it to not be too bad.
But It’s so bad on the Hostgator hosting account that even this little post has taken over an hour due to loading and image failures etc…