Its been a bit of a slog to make much progress. Tons of little ‘try this.. er.. hmm well how about that.. ooh that broke it… humm well then how about ….’
BUT the upside.
The player now triggers doors when he/she walks across em. (yes the collision polygons need some tweaking but basically it works). This causes a recusive floodfill to determine all the tiles that are available inside the room. There was an issue where it caused the game to stutter while the fill ran but with the use of some scheduling calls I actually wound up with a smooth and more even area determination.
So.. why does that make me happy?
Well, glad I asked.
So now I have a nice and easy way to get all the available tiles in a room, with just some minor tweaks the monster spawner (in the inital Alpha) will be able to find an open spot and start spawning critters.
Esentially I’m just a few minor tweaks from having a playable core base to work off of.
Then I can start going crazy with different monsters, powerups etc etc.