Ok after a little breather It’s time to get back to working on things that are fun. Finishing a painting is both exhilarating and exhausting and I find myself having to take a couple days and recoup my creative energy or I’ll find the need to go back and fix, and tweak and tweak irrisistable. But taking a bit of time away lets me just be proud of what I’ve done and let it be.
After a couple days I had a little fun playing with skin rendering and trying to get a sense of translucency. One of the many attempts actually turned out to become this guy, which has a nice tone to it that I like.
Followed by a couple silly monsters following my son’s obsession with pokemon all of a sudden.
And then this thing.. .. this might become a thing.. it’s still rough, but it’s speaking to me. It started out as a perspective homework.. then became an epic skies homework.. and now it might be something else altogether..
On an art related note, I cracked some oil paints open for the first time in 7 years (it was a disaster then) and … holy cow…I’m loving them..
Something about the transparency and the need to go slow really just works for me.. maybe it’s because I’m getting older and not in as much of a hurry. Not sure exactly what it is, but I’m doing some test pieces and maybe finishing/reworking the initial disastrous attempt and who knows maybe they’ll be worthy of showing on the inter-tron some day.