lots of new sketches but havent been taking photos.. did a bit of a doodle today in Photoshop..
Tag: photoshop
Missed a few
Ok missed a few updates like updates 24-32.. they’re there, just not gotten around to posting them
However on sketch 32 this little guy popped out.
and then I decided he needed a chance to get a world to live in. And by 37 it was looking like this:
Then pulled in some rough textures and and blocked things in a bit more.
By update 40 the trees were looking flat and the overall color was beginning to be a bit washed out.
And that puts us here at update 41, time spent pushing back the stone some and final rendering of the character and more minor details.
Still need to touch up the bear, abird and pants, but we’re 99% there.
Perspective Homework Beginnings
Flying Golden Turtle Final
I think this is going to be it! Gonna sleep on it but I think this is where this journey ends for this piece. At least for tonight. Barring any last changes I’m looking to get this to a printer this week.
And here’s some details of some of my favorite parts of the painting.
The little path into the forest
The little church and houses on the hill
The turtle.. shell and belt buckle just make me happy.
And my favorite part might just be the little glistens on the water.
Lady Gazelle paint.
Ok a couple weeks of quiet, but not unproductive.
So Month 2 of the awesome yet super challenging Magic Box digital painting course unlocked and the next step is to work on brush skills and economy of brush strokes. So pushing onward, I’ve started rendering out the Lady Gazelle color comp.
And here’s where I’m at.
And here’s the final color comp from month 1, all lasso tool and gradients.
And the original Master’s painting
Man was this hard.
I mean .. seriously hard. I’m a scribbler, and forcing myself to think about EVERY SINGLE STROKE, was at times, frustrating and enlightening on a profound level. But after watching the lesson videos and reading and just examining other peoples work, I’m beginning to ‘get’ it. I couldn’t have even come close to doing something like this 2 months ago, and I already see so many things regarding edges and just stroke economy that I’d never seen before.
Yaay Death and Stuff
So while it’s only 2 new tasks complete, there’s 2 more that are 80% there and others are planned out.
Here’s a recap of new stuff:
- PCs and monsters now shoot and damage each other with functioning ranged combat!
- PCs can die!
- Monsters can die!
- Monster spawner behavior is 90% there
- PC equip-able items / attacks are close to being there.
- New portraits are almost done.. then we’ll have 3 different PCs
- Project title finally announced:
- Project has it’s own Website http://www.irismel.com (granted for now it’s just an import of this swiftthought.com RSS feed.
- Irismel is listed over at http://www.indiedb.com/games/irismel-the-silverlake-chronicle
- Swiftthought etc has proper Desura / indieDb accounts made for eventual alpha release.
And Here’s a new Screenshot showing some of the things that you can see:
Third Time tis the Charm
Ok, needed a bit of a fresh mental break from typing and numbers for a day or two so I started the beginning of the large pile of character protraits that I’ll need to make (somewhere between 10 – 50) That’s the joy of doing things as an indie developer.. I can put on whatever hat I want to today. Granted at some point I’ll have to put on the businessperson hat and then it’ll not be so much of a joy.. and when time comes to put on that 400lb steel and barbed wire hat labelled accounting I’m sure it will be no fun at all. But today… today I’m wearing a paint spattered cartoony beret.
Oh and I also got a large chunk of the UI implemented.
Looks a lot like yesterday’s post? Well it should.. except this one works and lets you scroll the map etc etc.
Mar 7 update – alpha 4 released
Whew, so It’s been a while since I released alpha 2… Soo much has changed and been improved. Here’s a brief changelog of stuff I can remember off the top of my head.
- New main menu and faster startup times.
- Lots more assets to load at startup so it’s actually doing stuff while you have to look at the pictures.
- New map. A huge dungeon assembled off arenas from the web map generator.
- Rooms seal upon entry and then depending on how deep you are get harder and harder.
- Sounds! ok just some basic sounds but man does it make a difference.
- New look for gameplay areas and tiles.
Lots of hooks are ready for easy insertion of new enemies, powerups, and the special items that will be included in the store you can visit between levels (soon).
Overall I’m incredibly pleased with the amount of progress. I’m mostly excited about having reached a point where I can do so many thing (new graphics, monsters, quests… the mind boggles!!!)
For now, I’m just gonna play a bit.
As always you can download it here(~12mb), and as always use it at your own risk, I make no claims that it won’t terrorize your cat, melt your eyeballs, or do any other unpredictable things.. But it seems to be working just fine for me.
[edit] changed out some sounds for better samples of what I intend for the end product. [/edit]
Well, some development progress.
The in-game map now reflects a proper mow branching randomly generated maze based on Prim’s Algorithm, the trickiest bit was adapting it to do without proper arrays Toquescript is a bit funny about that. After that, I created a basic start for a tileset etc etc and got it rendering properly in the engine.
Tonight I got the tilesets to properly interpret the door and trigger tiles and render the proper animated tiles for them (after creating said animations of course). Spent a little time trying to figure out why shooting seems to crash the game on the tile based level but didn’t get much beyond making it not crash.. but not showing the shots either..
So that’s the next step, and after that activating the triggers and shutting the doors to indicate the start of a wave of enemies.
On the webby front, some minor tweaks galore to the theme with some more changes planned. Over the weekend I put up the site www.wenderflonia.com for GFW and she’s putting it to great use already.
Playing with Painter (take 2)
OOPs deelted this accidentally earlier. Lets see if this works.
Finally got around to watching some of my painter tutorials and just getting comfortable with the basic tools of painter. Its way different from Adobe’s suite of tools but its finally starting to feel comfortable.
Eventually I took this into photoshop to do some final tweaky bits and immediately it was noticeable how much extra work it is to introduce the texture in painting with photoshop.
Playing Around With Painter
OOPs deelted this accidentally earlier.
Finally got around to watching some of my painter tutorials and just getting comfortable with the basic tools of painter. Its way different from Adobe’s suite of tools but its finally starting to feel comfortable.
Eventually I took this into photoshop to do some final tweaky bits and immediately it was noticeable how much extra work it is to introduce the texture in painting with photoshop.