Short post on progress things. Things have just been lots of grunt work and non pretty things.
Will have things to show real soon.
- basic player object exists and rotates properly.. mostly. need to knock out some better test sprites and stuff to be able to make things actually ‘work’ together, but the fundamental concept of 8 direction independently moving head, torso, arms, lowerbody seems to work and will look pretty cool.
- monster entities can be spawned and basically kept track of.. no AI or whatnot but still it’s a start.
- Implemented basic box2d physics for player and monsters. this will have all sorts of fun payoff later I hope. Force waves, shapnel etc 🙂
- Got the macro tiles wired for a* pathfinding.
- Got the World generating a Maze and then replacing it with matching macrotiles that randomly match the exits of the cell.
- started on map rendering
- camera instance screen objects so I can have a smooth moving controllable camera that chases the player.