Woo good Week!
New Beta 6!
- Better Odds manager (you can see it by clicking the puzzle piece on the Main Menu)
- Reworked tons of the Odds and Money manager backside so money should be handled better.
- Implemented adMob ads 🙂
- Got a good start on painting the home screen .. then did it again as photoshop crashed. (FML)
- Made the loading screen handle screen changes and stuff magically.
- Reels are generated a bit more realistically and auto re-factor every 100 pulls
- Started getting sound fx implemented .. not working on desktop .. sometimes on android.. :-/
Here’s Some screenshots, a link, and a QR to the apk
Download the latest beta (006) here https://drakkheim.com/temp/BarnyardBonanza006beta.apk
Next up:
- Turning sound on/off :-/
- Get the Powerup Buying working
- Maybe a mini game!