I know… updates two days in a row??! What madness..
Manged to get A* following objects to automatically turn and adjust their facing while maintaing their portrait’s orientation. Also increased the basic map tile size by one so things aren’t as cramped. The remainder of the evening was spend working on the following Mocup UI:
As you can tell I’m targeting a baseline 1280×768 resolution. (obviously.. doesn’t everyone count the pixels on every image they see?) The different thing is that designing for widescreen (6:9 / 6:10) and then making it work in old school 4×5 instead of doing it the other way around, lets you make some design decisions that you usually probably wouldn’t do. With Widescreen you can essentially forgo the old L shaped UI frame and just settle for a thicker | shaped sidebar.. and still have plenty room left over.
I think we’ll be seeing more and more of this as the old 4×5 proportion fades into obsolescence. ..