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Third Time tis the Charm

Ok, needed a bit of a fresh mental break from typing and numbers for a day or two so I started the beginning of the large pile of character protraits that I’ll need to make (somewhere between 10 – 50)   That’s the joy of doing things as an indie developer.. I can put on whatever hat I want to today.  Granted at some point I’ll have to put on the businessperson hat and then it’ll not be so much of a joy.. and when time comes to put on that 400lb steel and barbed wire hat labelled accounting I’m sure it will be no fun at all.  But today… today I’m wearing a paint spattered cartoony beret.

Oh and I also got a large chunk of the UI implemented.

Looks a lot like yesterday’s post?  Well it should.. except this one works and lets you scroll the map etc etc.


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Daily Progress update.

I know… updates two days in a row??!  What madness..

Manged to get A* following objects to automatically turn and adjust their facing while maintaing their portrait’s orientation.   Also increased the basic map tile size by one so things aren’t as cramped.  The remainder of the evening was spend working on the following Mocup UI:

As you can tell I’m targeting a baseline 1280×768 resolution.  (obviously.. doesn’t everyone count the pixels on every image they see?)  The different thing is that designing for widescreen (6:9 / 6:10) and then making it work in old school 4×5 instead of doing it the other way around, lets you make some design decisions that you usually probably wouldn’t do.   With Widescreen you can essentially forgo the old L shaped UI frame and just settle for a thicker | shaped sidebar.. and still have plenty room left over.

I think we’ll be seeing more and more of this as the old 4×5 proportion fades into obsolescence. ..

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The Fall Season!

Whoa.. after what feels like an absolutely morale crushing infernal heat wave that has more or less sapped all willpower for the last several months… it’s time to get the show back on the road.

Here’s a peak at what’s been worked on.  More details as soon as I get more gameplay things put in.  And after a break to Javaland  it’s back to good ol TGB.  The upside is that things make so much more sense now.   Many more thoughts on the matter later on.

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Enchanting Cadence post launch retrospective

What went right?

Well… lots of stuff really.

I managed to turn a paper prototype  into a fully functional game in two months.  Overall, game play grew and changed organically through the development process as low hanging fruit features were revealed.  Taking a project from A-Z in Slick was very educational (which was the primary reason for the whole thing).

The facebook integration worked (albeit their documentation leaves something to be desired) for the most part seamlessly.

The back-end level creation and management web tools worked and the general process of back and forth data between the webpage and applet worked as anticipated..

The multi threaded stuff to send and catch javascript communications works and once the basic process was understood was easy to implement.

Graphics and Music. Visually the game managed to capture the look and feel that I wanted.  I was able to work out an efficient workflow to take concept /programmy placeholder art and iterate it to the final art.  No assets were lost and not a lot of dead ends or un-used art was created.   Overall the music worked nicely as well.

It was a nice first version, however not something I’d call mainstream release ready yet.

What went wrong?

The first three weeks were spent having the enchantment process be based off of what visually was happening on the board, this caused massive issues as framerates turned out to be really unsteady once the game was in an applet form.  The fix was to have a logical representation of the game board where the simulation was run and then just have the rendering update it’s assets from the virtual model.

It turned out that applets have a massive overhead when instantiating any sprite as they check the applet’s remote filesystem path for the files.  This lead to the implementation of a boltManager object which pre-creates 500 bolts and tosses them to the game logic as needed and returns them to the source pool when taken off the board.  This fixed the issue .. until I added particles.

Particle systems create an image loading hiccup as above even if it’s pre-created on their first .render call.  The fix was to change the applet call to isolate the applet from the webpage with <param name=”codebase_lookup” value=”false”> .. The downside is.. this effectively killed the idea of loading level specific assets from the website.. so suddenly everything needed to be included in the jar file.

Java <–> Javascript communications are paaainfully slow.

Gameplay wise, it reaaaally needs a tutorial level, ease of use features, and a better dialog box system.

Level design really did not lend itself to the whole 1-3 stars for each level completion.  Usually there was just ONE solution.

Not enough time to build good levels.  By the time I’d gotten enough features to behave stably enough, I had to cut several features and wound up with still only a week and a half to build all the 10 levels. (remember there’s a fulltime job, consulting work and family with baby who all come first)   As a result several of the levels are pretty shoddy.

Applet communications don’t work in Safari on mac, and the game rendering doesn’t work in other browser on mac (but the communications do)

Considerations general thoughts?

The primary reason for making this was essentially a way to motivate myself to finish a project and learn a crash course in SLICK and java.  In this sense, this was a roaring success.

Perhaps it was a bit much to take on as my first real Java application… naaah.. just because I spent 2 days wondering why my string comparisons never worked. (even went as far as building enums and value catalogs to avoid having to compare strings)  … then I discovered   ‘string1.equals(string2)’ … sigh..

Applets are too restrictive to be viable.  Pretty much every benefit of having a web program work in java (other than the openGL) is overshadowed by a downside.  Heck just getting it up on the user’s screen means they’ve clicked through several very scary warning prompts.  And if you want to do any kind of network communications behind the scenes (bypassing javascript comms) means asking people to punch holes in their firewall rules.   All of which make applets un-usable for general mass consumption.  JNLP’s seem better but they’re not very user friendly.. (they don’t ask you where you want to install.. let you know you need to un-install etc..)

In the future I’m leaning towards wrapped jars into exe files for Slick and java applications.

Thank goodness this was a 2 month test project, eh?

SLICK is a lovely codebase and java really is a dream to work with.  Any concerns I had about java being slow or whatnot really have been blown away.  If I un-meter Enchanting Cadence it easily runs at several thousand FPS.  Actually it runs so fast that the math behind the simulation can’t measure the time between cycles correctly and it all falls apart. (that’s pretty cool)

The SLICK community and the guys are really helpful and there is a wealth of tutorials and training out there.

The future?

For Enchanting Cadence

  • facebook integration will go away, hell, the whole applet thing was a mistake
  • it will be a standalone application
  • the first level in each levelgroup will get a real tutorial. (introducing mirrors, introducing prisms…etc)
  • there will be help indicators showing the path and time bolts travel when hovering over a launcher
  • the enchantment track will show what bolts hit and failed on the last attempted enchant.  This will help you find out what went wrong
  • infinite loops will not be allowed
  • the dialog engine will be changed for better and prettier dialog boxes allowing for more narrative and flavor text to come through
  • more levels and assets etc.

In General

  • I’m building a group of tools to use in the standalone EC version that will also be useful in other projects
  • Blood Soaked Deadly Dungeons of Doom! is coming.  Much as I love TGB it looks like you always wind up needing to do some core C++ tweaks and thats beyond what I’ve been able to wrap my head around.. so I’m exploring basic things and techniques to get the new isometric view working in slick… (repeat after me… I will not try and go 3d… I Will not try and go 3d!… )
  • Mutant Sheep Eat the Earth! need some loving too…
  • Swiftthought Consulting work, of course, trumps all of the above.  🙂
So, lots of projects to keep the summer interesting.  Lets see how it goes.

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Not dead, just busy.

Too many things and many small projects being done.  I’m looking to get an end of year update up.  Until then, its nose to the grindstone and wrap up the last two freelance projects of the year up.  Oh and learn android/java in conjunction with the day job.
Which is actually turning out to be fun, but was getting confusing learning on top of darkbasic pro so I had to put that on hold for a bit.

Which sucks. A lot.

All in all the projects and the baby have completely decimated all my personal projects for now… but I’ve got a list and totally plan on kicking butt in the new year.  Maaybe I can squeeze out a painting before the end of the year.

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Work Work and new hobbies

So here we are once again.  Another couple of weeks gone and the list of things I’d hoped to get to and deadlines for my pet projects are but fading memories.

Remember that ‘SUPER PRODUCTIVE MEGA AWESOME WEEK?!!” a couple weeks ago?

Well it turned into 2 days of productive (freelance work and 6 sheep done, not bad) 1 day of errands and chores, a day of packing an dinner with the parentals for doggie sitting and then I was off to see GFW, Parkzilla and Baby J at the other grandparent’s for the weekend.  So yeah.. not so productive.

However, let’s not dwell since it was an awesome relaxing de-wired weekend and thus worth it. Business Card

So since then.. Freelance stuff picked up speed and culminated in a long work full weekend this weekend, but I’m almost caught up 🙂

But (and this is the exciting bits!) I’ve fallen in love with Oil Paints (the water soluble oils, for the ease of cleanup and fumes)   So below are some pic of the second piece in progress, and I have plans to do a collaborative piece with GFW, which should be interesting.

So the theory is, I want to be working on around 3 pieces at a time,

One in polishing phase:

The Polishing Phase Just Started

One in the ‘ugly’ mid stage:

Deep in the ugly stage

and one at the beginning roughing, concept stage.

[No pics yet]

And here’s some pics for posterity’s  sake.

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Old Wars and Putting the Sheep in Gear

Well summertime is here and that means it is time to kick things off and do stuff.

No Really..

I’ve been pretty stuck in idle for a while but a couple little things have started getting some traction.  Granted the freelance design work has been pleasantly steady which helps alleviate the guilt. 🙂   But really there’s been two projects that have gotten me going again. (ok, that and the baby finally deciding on a sleep schedule so there’s actually a couple hours that are useful on a regular basis doesn’t hurt either)

First is up and running. It is still in its infancy but between me and GFW (whose site recently good a lovely makeover) we’re hoping that it will grow into a thriving community about family,tradition, and living a simple healthy lifestyle.

Second, I finally cracked open my tubes of winsor newton water soluble oil paints, they dry like oils but you can thin em with water instead of turp. It is a nice change from the usual acrylics and I absolutely love the drying time. The only downside so far is the color change while the water evaporates is going to take some getting used to. So the paint seems to dry in two stages, first the water evaporates leaving the darker pure oil color behind, which then takes the usual few days to dry.  Oh, and the cleanup with soap n water is a snap and the fumes are nowhere near as bad as old fashioned oils.

Distractions and Games? I’ve got plenty, but primarily playing Red Dead Revolver on the 360 and the indie strategy game ‘Hegemony, Phillip of Macedon‘ are tying up most of my mental breaks.  That and I’ve got to get a full day to get some people together and play a full game of Arkham Horror.  I will say that the Hegemony game is a wonderful new addiction.  It’s an absolutely massive undertaking for a small indie game company to make.  While it’s got some clunky features, it more than makes up for it in innovative new features that are sure to be copied by everyone else (Total War guys I’m looking at you) .  Unlike a lot of other Real-time Strategy games there is an emphasis on maintaining supply to you cities and units on the march that makes for a good time.

So, how does this lead me to getting my backside in gear and get cracking on the damn sheep you ask?

As luck would have it, GFW is taking the kids and heading west for a week come this Friday.  That’s going to leave me with a lot of downtime and I’ve got plans to make the best of it.

In theory, a bud will be coming by for some programmy consultanty help and if that happens that’s cool and that will probably take a couple hours every day but hey money talks 😉

Other than that I’m attending Akon (as a guest this year) Saturday; building an initial pass at a joomla website for a client; and designing a 1 page sheet, hopefully all this weekend.
So in theory, that leaves many hours are available every night next week for some serious sheepage! Oh, and I plan on blogging more (daily?) updates.

Let’s see how things work out, but hopefully there will be a ton of progress to report very very very soon.

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Time.. can I haz some more?

Well the swift summer days are here again. Somehow the motivation levels have deflated a bit, probably due to being super super busy at the 9-5 and a good showing of freelance work this month.

Well that and babies appearantly seem to need more and more human interaction as they grow, and I’ve gotta do my part to keep gfw sane 😉

So sheep productivity has seen more active days. That’s ok though, there’s nothing wrong with being busy. 🙂 even if its not the kinda busy i’d prefer.

Oh well at least I got a couple sheep done last night so it’s a start. Oh and I can live vicariously through gfw’s adventure in Kelly Raes e-course, whic shell be blogging about over at her Wenderflonia art blog.

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Quick update 50% marker passed!

Just tooting my own horn.  I just passed the 50% mark on the art asset creation for the sheep decks.

Just 62 more cards to finalize..

Here’s where things stand as of now:

Cards Drawn 78 remaining 47 total cards: 125
Cards Painted 63 remaining 62 ready to paint 15
Cards Placed indo Deck Files 63 remaining 62 ready to place 0
Cards Tested in Gameplay 1 remaining 124 -<this isn’t exactly accurate but I know what it means>-
Known Text Revisions To do 3
Proof  for Press complete remaining 125
Done 0 remaining 125

Drawn 78 remaining 47 total cards: 125Painted 63 remaining 62 ready to paint 15Placed 63 remaining 62 ready to place 0Tested 1 remaining 124 Known Rev 3 remaining 122 Proof 0 remaining 125 Done 0 remaining 125

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Firing up the ol engines of creation!

So now that Jude

aka Milkface

has come into our lives things are slowly settling into a routine (granted it’s one with less sleep than we’d like, but it’s a start).    That means there is starting to be some periods of non super stressful time where freelance work and pet projects can once again start to flourish.

On the freelance side of things, things are picking up nicely with more design work for KELL

And the Big paintings were a big success and look beautiful on Jude’s wall.

Sun Elephant

So that leaves the much neglected games projects, and the sheep are getting hungry.

So starting tomorrow it’s time to take a good hard look at where things stand and what still needs to be done.  I have a sneaky suspicion that it will involve spreadsheets and maybe even some project planning stuff.. YAY!  And more playtesting.  I have an XML based card shuffler program I whipped up to teach myself Python that will let me run a couple hundred pulls of the decks and see how things work mathmaticlly so I can see if I can find some solution to the whole endgame issue where players don’t have enough clout to affect the outcome.

Lots to do, and it promises to be exciting.  Oh and I’ll be blogging more, and possibly adding some more game industry ramblings / reviews n commentary.

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The first of 2 paintings for Jude’s baby room is finished and the second one is on the drawing board.   So that’s progress.

Hang the Stars from the Moon

Freelance work has actually been pretty busy so that’s been sapping a good bit of the ol’ come home from work and work on pet projects enthusiasm.  However I’ve got a good chunk of time mentally set aside here in the near future to get to grinding out the updated art for the cards.   So hopefully I can get the Mutant Sheep out the door.  And start one of the other two game ideas that have been percolating for a couple months. Very exciting stuff.

But right now, it’s pretty much all baby all the time.

On the games front there’s a couple little tidbits worth sharing.   I finally beat Mirror’s Edge which was surprisingly good and different, not sure why it go panned so bad when it came out.   Metaplace, Raph Koster’s mmo brainchild, closed down, which isn’t entirely unexpected since it felt so un-rooted and essentially wound up more of a chat room than it did a fully customizable world.  It’s still kinda sad after following his blog and twits for a couple years and knowing how hard those guys worked for it.  Dragon Age, is deep and spectacular, and definitely not default to easy mode, which is nice.   Solium Infernum, is mind bendingly complex and looks to have the award for best Play By Email game of the decade wrapped up.  (anyone up for a game? email me)

Board game wise..

My copy of Pandemic has arrived and we’ve played a couple games.  It’s a bit of a mental twist to be playing cooperatively against the game, but very refreshing.  So far we’ve mastered easy mode and haven’t lost yet and need to kick it up a difficulty, the awesome thing is that you can play a game in about an hour to hour and 1/2.

Also glaring evilly at me from my shelf of recent aquisitions is a copy of Arkham Horror, also an entirely cooperative affair we’ve yet to play it, as it looks to be a 2-4 hour thing and we havent had that kind of time (and go figure it’s gonna take longer for the first game).  Interestingly enough, it allows 1 player games as well.

And we need to play more Decent while we’re at it.

Hmm wonder if we can mandate a monthly game day in the house?

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Tales of puppets, babies, games etc

Latest News

So here we are, another year is already on the way and it’s time to get busy.

As of today baby Jude is ~45days out and counting, lots of house prep is being done and more still to do.  Excitement is high and nesting mode is in full swing.  The home office has been moved into the game room and the new space works well and the start of a dedicated baby room is in progress.  Super Awesome GFW has got her etsy store up and running, and a whole kitchen studio full of paint and canvas.  90% of all pictures on the walls in the house are now original art, and man is that nice.

Christmas came and went in a blur of cookies, candy, family and food.  When it was all said and done my very own muppet Whatnot was here to stay.  He’s pictured above, and it’s very very cool.  I have plans for him.  Big plans.  But first I’m gonna need a couple mutant sheep puppets.

Speaking of Mutant Sheep.. With the death of my POS Kodak all in one printer I no longer have a scanner.  So I’m having to switch to an all digital pipeline.. which may be faster once I get rolling on it.. but it does mean that I can’t doodle out the roughs at work and then take em home and ink em.  Other than that, it’s back to grindstone and get em finished asap!  Progress on it has been pretty abysmal lately and I’m not exactly thrilled with that, not sure what the mental block/holdup is but it’s time to work through it.

That is, just as soon as I wrap up a bit more paying design / web work.  The freelance developer & designer side of things is really picking up lately and I hope to keep it rolling throughout the year.  So naturally that stuff comes first, before Sheep.


The holidays were full of super end of year sales, the most impressive was probably the insane Steam sale, lots of awesomeness was picked up at a pittance.  So here’s a list of the gaming highlights.

  • Dragon Age: Traditional fantasy RPG, polished like nothing else.
  • Kings Bounty: Insane Fantasy turn based combat with a happy disregard for tradition.
  • Mirrors Edge: First person runner.  Not sure why this wasn’t a bigger hit.
  • Garrys Mod:  A multiplayer physics based playgound, had a lot of fun building airships with kiddo an just doing strange stuff.
  • Left for Dead 2: Better than the first one, more zombies, more guns, for when you just want to shoot.
  • Machinarium: A beautiful hand drawn adventure game with so much character its hard to believe.
  • STALKER – Clear Sky: Post Chernobyl fps world to explore full of mutants and more.

And in board games:

We have played the first game of Pandemic.  A co-op board game where you have to work together to save the world from 4 diseases, HIGHLY recommended.  And I have a copy of Arkahm Horror sitting on my desk waiting to have a day dedicated to it.

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Long time no bloggy.

Ok, been a bit hectic and I’ve been a bad blogger. 🙁

I feel I can blame it on the impending arrival of offspring and get on with it.

the debbil
the Devil

Couple paintings are done and there’s now a nice angel and demon in 24×24″ panels in the front hall. You know.. to scare people away from the good art that covers the rest of the house.

So the current plans (subject to revision but hey I feel better when I can pretend life’s going according to some sort of plan) is to prep the baby room and get the 2 paintings finished in time for baby Jude to arrive.    Then it’s baby time and squeezing in the last touches on Mutant Sheep Eat The Planet! and get that finished out by Summer in addition to getting some more freelance work and getting Wenderflonia all set up and ready to take over the art world.

The entry to the kitchen
The entry to the kitchen
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Slow progress, but good things none the less

Wow time sure does fly, and whoa am I so totally not going to make the Oct 31 deadline! Which more or less means that November and December are going to be choked with Holidays and Family.

And it turns out there’s a little baby boy inbound, eta Feb 25(ish) (holy crap!)

So that has got to be more or less the last deadline, beacause somehow I don’t think there’s gonna be much free time after that for a while.

So, you might ask, what the hell have you been doing for the last 18 days.   Well, Mutant Sheep progress has been slow… much slower than I wanted but I seriously needed a break. More After the Break, Pictures too! Continue reading Slow progress, but good things none the less

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Slow progress

So progress in sheepsville has been..well.. slow..
I’ve got another dozen or so sheep painted and ready to go into their cards, but overall, progress has been a fraction of what it needs to be.

The upside, however, is that I’ve gotten a bunch of freelance work (that’s right, I’ll work for money) and that’s pretty much all wrapped up for now.

I’ve started the process of reworking the site theme. Currently I’ve got the new headers and superfish menus in place, and gotten a jquery lightbox up and running, the menu’s need a bit more work though. Also, we now have a gallery.

All that remains is the re-styling of the content and sidebar and drawing a new site background image.

But first up, is gearing up for a massive overhaul and that’s #1 in the priority list. Keep an eye out for it, we’ll have art commissions, prints and more goodies coming soon.

And more sheep. I must make more picture of sheep, and get an accurate count of exactly how many I still have left to finish.

That’s it for now. Further updates shortly.